When did I start coming to Point of Woods?
I have been coming to Point of Woods all my life starting in 2006 when I was a baby.
What I like to do at Point of Woods?
The beach is wonderful. The beach is really nice. There are really nice houses to look at while you are here.
Why Point of Woods is so special to me?
I can scooter and bike around by myself and stop by my friends houses to play with them. You can go down to the park whenever you want to play basketball, mulch monster, and definitely gaga ball.
Earlier this year, I started grapping sand from the bottom of the ocean at the raft.
There is an ice cream truck that stops by every day. There are so many different flavors.
There is a camp called “rec” that is really awesome and all my friends go there.
We play manhunt at night. There are two teams. One team counts to thirty or more but they can have their eyes open. The other team runs off and hides while the other team guards the base and they also try and look for the people. It’s a fun game. It’s exciting and a little bit scary when it is nine o’clock.
I want to come back again every year.
Your story reminded me how how much fun your Dad had at Point of Woods. Good job.