By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. America has the greatest groceries in the world. Nobody does groceries better than America. But recently, radical elements have infiltrated our supermarkets, filling them with foreign foods that nobody asked for, nobody wants, and frankly, nobody can pronounce. This is unacceptable. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies have no place in the American supermarket. It’s time to put America First on the grocery shelves.
Section 2. Elimination of the International Foods Section. (a) Effective immediately, all supermarkets operating in the United States shall eliminate the so-called “International Foods” section and replace it with products that represent true American greatness. No more of this nonsense with foreign spices, exotic sauces, and unpronounceable cheeses. We don’t need it.
(b) Instead, supermarket shelf space shall be reallocated to provide more of what hardworking Americans actually want:
- Ketchup—real American ketchup, not this weird stuff from Europe.
- White Bread—extra soft, extra white, none of that grainy nonsense.
- White Flour—only the finest bleached flour for truly American baking.
- High-Fat Processed Foods—delicious, nutritious, and, most importantly, made right here in the U.S.A.
(c) Supermarkets shall prioritize products from Trump Foods, Trump Steaks, Trump Snacks, and Trump Dairy as the preferred national grocery brands of the United States of America. If it says “Trump” on the package, you know it’s the best. Absolutely the best. Everyone says so.
Section 3. Enforcement. (a) The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Agriculture shall establish a task force to ensure compliance with this order. Any supermarket found to be in violation will be subject to tremendous penalties. Huge penalties.
(b) The Federal Trade Commission shall investigate any grocery chains attempting to disguise foreign foods under deceptive packaging. We will not tolerate sneakiness, folks. Not on my watch.
Section 4. Implementation. (a) This order shall take effect immediately. Grocery chains must comply within 30 days or face the full force of American justice.
(b) The Secretary of Commerce is directed to provide guidance and support to stores transitioning to an America-First grocery model.
Section 5. General Provisions. Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect existing laws, except where I say so.
President of the United States
Issued this 7th day of February, in the year of our Lord 2025